Employee Permissions

Users will access the APSM Portal for various reasons — it is important to monitor and control changes to important documents. A permission level is assigned to each employee or user as they are added to the site (see add/edit employees). This allows managers and administrators to control the documentation more effectively. An overview of permission levels is listed below.

Employee Permission fields breakdown
Field description
Administrator for multiple companies User has access to multiple companies (consultants, insurance company agents, auditors, etc.), must belong to companies, link to add/edit users
Administrator for all of a company's plants User has access to each facility listed under the company umbrella
Administrator for a plant User has administrative (editing) rights for the plant/plants a user has access to
Trainer/Supervisor User has administrative (editing) rights for the safety training areas of the site
Normal user - no special privileges User has access to content, but not to modify or delete.
(This is the default user permission unless changed)

Note: A user cannot assign a permission level higher than their own. For user permission levels higher than plant or company administrator, contact a site administrator.