Add Users

Administrative Users of the APSM Portal have access to add, edit, remove, or restore users. This makes it easy for administrators to keep the Employee Directory accurate and current. To add a new employee, select the Add Employee Icon in the top right corner.

This opens the Add Employee window. Enter the needed information (the red fields are required) and select the Save Button .

Note: The lines with red text indicate fields that are required. Only First Name, Last Name, Title, User Name, and Password are required.

Add Employee Field Breakdown
field description required
First Name First Name of the employee
Last Name Last Name of the employee
Title Title of the employee
User Name User Name employee will use to login to portal
Password Password employee will use to login to portal
Group Employee's Safety Training Group
Home Address Employee's home address
City City Employee lives in
State/Zip State and Zip Code where Employee lives
Business Phone Work number for Employee (If applicable)
Home Phone Employee's home phone number
Cell Phone Employees cell number (If different than home #)
Email Employee work email, will allow notifications
Alternate Email If applicable, second email address
Fax If applicable, fax number
Employee Types Employee Type/Privilage
Interface Type of Portal Interface: Default, Training Only, Touchscreen
Card Number If applicable, Employee card number
PIN If applicable, PIN number
Comments Applicable comments about the employee
Hourly Rate Employee's hourly pay rate
Date Hired Date Employee was hired
Benefits Employee benefits, if applicable
Hub location Employee's plant location