Equipment SOP Grid

The Equipment SOP Grid is located under the Equipment Coversheet.

Equipment SOP Grid Breakdown
edit description
Task The Task Name or Title of the Procedure Task
Type The Procedure Type: Operation or Maintenance
Revised Date/Time Stamp when procedure Task was last modified ‡ (See Note below)
Edit Icon Select the Edit Icon to edit the details of the Procedure
Steps If the Procedure Type is using the Procedure Builder, select the Steps Icon to Add/Edit the Steps of the Procedure
Edit SOP Contents If the Procedure Type is using the Document Editor, select the Edit SOP Contents Icon to open and edit the Procedure content in the Document Editor
Print Select the Print Icon to generate a PDF of the Procedure
Delete Select the Delete Icon to delete the Procedure

Use the arrows to move the Task up or down

Note: The text will display in red if the Procedure Task has changed since the last Review/Certification.