Form Builder Field Types

When adding Fields to a Form Template, there are eight Field Types to choose from. To choose a Field Type, select the circle next to the Field Type you want to use and then select the Continue Button .

Form Builder Field Type Breakdown
field description
Text Field A user entered field that can accept any value
Date Field A user entered field that only accepts a date
Number Field A user entered field that only accepts a number
Radio Button Group Field A group of pre-defined checkboxes, only one can be selected at a time
Checkboxes Group A group of pre-defined checkboxes, any combination can be checked at once
Equipment Field Value The field value will be automatically entered values entered by the associated equipment item
Signature Block Field will contain name, date and signature (if available) of person who authorizes the Section
Label/Header Non user editable label for additional information or as column header

Note: The Equipment Field Value Field Type will not function with the Form Builder.