Add Maintenance Inspections/Records

To add a Maintenance or Inspection record, select the Add Equipment Inspection Icon located in the top right corner of the page.

You have the option of adding an Online Inspection or uploading a PDF file.

Add Online Inspection

To add an Online Inspection select the down arrow in the field and select an Inspection Template from the list and then select the Save Button .

This opens the Inspection Template you selected. Fill it out and select the Save Button .

Upload an Inspection

To upload an Inspection, select the Upload Inspection Radio button , select a Status, add a Title, and select the Choose File Button .

Browse to the file on your computer and select the Open Button .

Then select the Save Button .

The Uploaded Inspection is now displayed in the list of Inspections.

Note: When uploading an Inspection, the only file type that can be used is PDF.