Step 2 - Information To Copy

When copying Plant information from one Plant to another, Step 2 is to select which information to copy from the Source Plant to the Destination Plant.After making your selections, select the Next Button to move to Step 3.

Tip: Some sections expand when selected to refine which information to copy.

Step 2 - Information To Copy Breakdown
information description
Compliance Information
Audits : Compliance Audits Selecting this option will list all the Compliance Audits in the Source Plant — You then need to select each Compliance Audit you want to include when you copy the Plant Information
Audits : Mechanical Integrity Audits Selecting this option will list all the MI Audits in the Source Plant — You then need to select each MI Audit you want to include when you copy the Plant Information
Audits : Audit Checklists Selecting this option will copy all of the Audit Checklists in the source Plant — You can't select individual Audit Checklists
Imp.Schedule Selecting this option will copy the Implementation Schedule from the source Plant — Replaces the existing Implementation Schedule in the Destination Plant
SDS Library Selecting this option will copy the entire SDS Library from the Source Plant — You can't select individual files

Selecting this option will list all the HAZOPs in the Source Plant — You then need to select each HAZOP you want to copy (you can choose to include Before/After Risk Ranking entries)

Fields to include Select the Fields you want to include from the source Plant when copying PHA: HAZOP (Controls, Comments, Recommendation, Actions, Responsibility, Due Date, Status)
PHA : What-if / Checklists Selecting this option will list all the PHA: What-If/Checklists in the Source Plant — You then need to select each PHA What-If/Checklist you want to copy (you can choose to include Before/After Risk Ranking entries)
Fields to include Select the Fields you want to include from the source Plant when copying PHA: What-If/Checklists (Controls, Comments, Recommendation, Actions, Responsibility, Due Date, Status)
P&ID Library Selecting this option will copy the entire P&ID Library from the Source Plant — You can't select individual files
PSI Library Selecting this option will copy the entire PSI Library from the Source Plant — You can't select individual files
Equipment / Process Information
Equipment Information
The Equipment / SOP / TOS / MP will copy all Equipment, SOPs, TOSs and Maintenance Procedures from the Source Plant — Replaces existing destination information.Available to Global Admins only
Training Information
Training Module Settings (Plant/Employee Group Settings Only) The Training Module Settings will copy the Plant and Group Training Settings from the Source Plant — Assign the Training Topics to the Plant before copying the Plant and Group settings