Recurring Workorder Recurrence Options

There are four types of Recurrence Options in the Workorder System: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.

Daily Options

When you select Daily, then choose between Every [#] day(s) or Regenerate new task [#] day(s) after task is completed.

Enter a Start Date and choose between No end date, End after [#] occurrences, or End by [date].

Tip: It is highly recommended to use the Regenerate new Task option if you are setting up a Daily Workorder.

Weekly Options

When you select Weekly you then choose between Every [#] week(s) on and a specific weekday or weekdays or Regenerate new task [#] week(s) after task is completed.

Enter a Start Date and choose between No end date, End after [#] occurrences, or End by [date].

Tip: It is highly recommended to use the Regenerate new Task option if setting up a Weekly Workorder

Monthly Options

When you select Monthly you then choose between Day [#] of every [#] month(s), The [number] [day] of every [#] month(s), or Regenerate new task [#] month(s) after task is completed.

Enter a Start Date and choose between No end date, End after [#] occurrences, or End by [date].

Yearly Options

When you select Yearly you then choose between On [month] [# day] every [#] year(s), On the [number] [day] of [month] every [#] year(s), or Regenerate new task [#] year(s) after task is completed.

Enter a Start Date and choose between No end date, End after [#] occurrences, or End by [date].

Note: Recurring Workorders are due 30 days after the start date.