Training By Plant/Location

The Training By Plant/Location Report displays all of the Safety Training available at the Plant, as well as all of the Plant Employees and their current Training Assignments and results.It also displays the last completed Test Date for the Topic.

To run the Training by Plant/Location Report, select Training By Plant/Location from the Reports tab.

This will open the Training By Plant/Location page. Select the Plant Name to run the Report.

This will generate a PDF that you can print or download.

Training By Plant/Location Report Breakdown
Cell description
Report Cell filled Black Means the Topic is not assigned to the Employee.
Report Cell filled Yellow Means the Employee has a Test that is Pending Trainer Review
Report Cell filled White Means the Topic is required
Report Cell filled Grey Means the Topic is set to Optional
Report Cell Date Text in Black Means the Topic is current
Report Cell Date Text in Red Means the Topic is Overdue
Report Cell Date Text in Blue Means the Topic is current and set as One Time